Integrated with all Library Basic Modules ;

• Cataloging and Authority [PENGKATALOGAN DAN FAIL KUASA]
• Circulation [SIRKULASI]
• Patron Management [PENGURUSAN PENGGUNA]
• Acquisition [PEROLEHAN BAHAN]
• Report & Statistics [REPOT DAN STATISTIK]
• System Administration & Tools [PENTADBIRAN SISTEM DAN TOOL]

System Features

• Fully Web-Based System – Access to system through a web browser
• Next Generation Digital Library System – Integration Bibliographic and digital collection development tools in a single application
• Cloud Computing Platform – Completely hosted solution with no software or hardware procurement required
• Enterprise Acquisition and Cataloging Functionality – Enhanced workflow tools for Technical Services
• Scalable Open Source Consortial Solution – Flexible circulation policy matrices support consortial resource sharing
• User Driven Development – Libraries worldwide control development of their toolset
• Flexible and Cost Effective – Fits any library’s needs at a price they can afford
• On/Off Switches – At a system preference level libraries choose the functionality to support their policies
• Mirrored Instance – Every hosted library has two ILS instances, one for production and one for testing and training
• Fully Developed – All major modules are supported in production
• Open Relational Database – Can use any third party report writer to access data and create custom reports, as all data is fully accessible for reporting and exporting from the MySQL RDBMS
• Z39.50 Compliant – Full support for MARC21 import